Be Kind To Carers
Carers are people who dedicate their time, expertise, and energy to support those who cannot look after themselves independently. When people choose to do this for a living, they often choose long, sometimes unsociable hours; they often choose to work alone, visiting clients by themselves. They are also choosing to be training and learning new skills constantly. It takes an extraordinary person to be a carer.
This is something we all became more aware of during the COVID-19 pandemic - so much so, we all clapped for them! While this was an uplifting boost for morale, ongoing pressures on professional carers due to the pandemic have not only continued; they have increased. With constantly changing regulations, frequent isolation from loved ones and a greater demand for home care than ever before, it’s time to be kind to carers.
We have previously shared articles and tips about being a great carer and supporting loved ones and clients - but this one is for our team! We hope that those of you who know a carer will read the tips below about being kind to carers. A clap is lovely, but some compassion is what we all really need right now.
1. Be Aware
To be a carer at the moment is a challenge! We are on the frontline of looking after some of the most vulnerable people in our community. Recently everything we do has become intensified and there has been no option to work from home. Constantly changing regulations, to increased hours, the lockdown and even the impact of Brexit, has increased the pressure on our whole team.
2. Make Allowances
If someone you know is a carer and they are ten minutes late for something, let it go. The hygiene procedures that they follow to simply leave or enter a building have become complicated and lengthy. While we are all washing our hands more regularly (hopefully!) and some of us are wearing masks, for carers, none of this is optional, and it all takes time.
3. Say Hi & Smile!
People drawn to caring professions frequently have a lovely personality type, which means that they are often also the person everyone else relies on for support and empathy. A kind greeting and a smile back is infectious and we love it!
4. Help Out If You Can
Small actions can make a massive difference. Offering to make a meal, grab a bag of groceries or even just making a cup of tea is a way of showing support. Professional carers do these things every day for others, and it can mean a lot to have this care returned to them.
5. Continue To Do Your Bit
For a carer, Freedom Day is still some time away as they continue to do their best to protect those around them. Carers will be continuing to wear PPE and follow lockdown-style measures as long as COVID-19 is with us. So please, do your bit to help us all get through it. If you feel comfortable having a vaccine, please do, and please continue to think about Hands, Face & Space - wash your hands, wear a mask when appropriate, and maintain distance from vulnerable people. As winter 2021 approaches, we all must continue to do our bit to lessen the impact of coronavirus on our community.
Being a carer is a challenging job, but the proper support from friends, family and the community can make things a little easier. We are so grateful for our fantastic team and all of their hard work over the last two years. Our Cambrette Carers have maintained exceptionally high standards of care under tough conditions, and we couldn’t be more proud of them.